Getting following error while creating a Leave of absence time type :
SuccessFactors Employee Central Time Off
This error is due to incorrect picklist configuration.
1.Check the "event" mapped to the event reason added while creating the time type.
Navigate to Admin tools--->Manage organisation pay and job structures---->event reason---->select the respective event reason which is used to create Time Type---->check the associated event
Here the event is "Return to work".
Now Download the picklist file. Admin tools---->Picklists management----->Export picklist---->Filter it based on events----->
Check the external code of the event Return to work---->It must be 23. If not please find the event with external code "23" from the picklist and add it in above page.
2.Check the following ,if above configuration is correct.
Download the picklist file.Admin tools---->Picklists management----->Export picklist---->Filter it based on events----->Check whether more than 1 event has an external code 23.If so change the external code of duplicate events and re-import the picklist.
External code for "Return to work" event should always to be set as 23. Its a standard value and cannot be changed and must be unique ,not more than 1 events with a status ACTIVE or OBSOLETED must have the external code 23.In below image 2 events has external code 23.This is not supported. Here we will have to change the OBSOLETED picklist external code from 23 to a dummy value
Leave of absence, Time Type Error, Return to work. , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Problem