- OUTER JOIN queries referencing tables with more than 255 varchar() columns, may fail with Error 696 or Error 692 on SAP ASE environments.
- Error 696/692 in this case involves worktable corruption in a tempdb cache:
Error: 696, Severity: 21, State: 1
An attempt was made to fetch logical page '848' from cache 'saptempdb_cache'. Page belongs to database 'saptempdb' (6), object '<Unknown>' (0), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition '<Unknown>' (-352321540) and not to database 'saptempdb' (6), object 'temp worktable' (-301662209), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition '<Unknown>' (-301662209). Restart of ASE will clear the error. Please contact your System Administrator for help.
- In many cases, this error is followed by Error 803:
Error: 803, Severity: 20, State: 1
Unable to place buffer '0x10ccc71c88' from cache 'default data cache' holding logical page '848' in sdes for object 'temp worktable' - either there is no room in sdes or buffer already in requested slot.
- Subsequently all SAP work processes fail or hang due to the corruption in the cache. The ASE server must be recycled to clear the corruption.
- For systems running SAP applications on SAP ASE, the typical, affected query belongs to program SAPLMEPOLDB:
SELECT TOP 5001 * FROM "EKKO" T_00 LEFT OUTER JOIN "EKPO" T_01 ON T_00 ."EBELN" = T_01 ."EBELN" AND T_01 ."MANDT" = ? AND T_01 ."EBELN" = ? WHERE T_00 ."MANDT" = ? AND T_00 ."ERNAM" = ? AND T_00 ."BSTYP" = ?
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 and 16.0
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 and 16.0 for Business Suite
sap_oltp, reformatting, 799006, CR#799006, CR799006, optimization, goal, optgoal, uninitialized, work, DOL, store_index , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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