SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2334805 - How to override the BW Safety Belt using Lumira


  • When the amount of data exceeds the BW Safety belt, the following errors my be thrown:

Result set too large (XXXXXX cells). Data retrieval restricted by configuration (Maximum=XXXXXX cells).



 The query size exceeds the maximum allowed by the BW servers safety belt. Modify the query parameters or contact the BW server Administrator.


  • Lumira Discovery hangs when acquiring data from a BeX query during a document refresh


  • Lumira Desktop 1.31
  • Lumira Discovery 2.x
  • Lumira Server, for BI Platform 1.31


  • The BW Safety Belt set by the BW Server Administrator has been exceeded.


  1. Modify the Lumira SAPLumira.ini (1.31) or the SAPLumiraDiscovery.ini (2.x) file by increasing the maxvizdatasetsize:   -Dhilo.maxvizdatasetsize=<value>
  2. Increase the maximum heap size to 2048 megabytes by setting the Xmx2048m value to 2048 megabytes: -Xmx2048m
  3. For SAP Lumira, server for BI Platform perform the following in Central Management Console (CMC):
    1. Choose Servers
    2. Choose LumiraServer Services
    3. Choose the server
    4. Choose Properties
    5. In the Command Line Parameters, enter the following code snippet:


     4.   For SAP Lumira Desktop and Discovery add the following parameters to the SAPLumira.ini/SAPLumiraDiscovery.ini file respectively:


  • Note 1: This is documented in the SAP Lumira, server for BI Platform User Guide, section 3.6.3 Refreshing a Document Based on SAP Business Warehouse Data Source (p. 16)
  • Note 2: This is documented in the SAP Lumira, desktop edition User Guide, section Downloading a BW dataset (p. 184)
  • Note 3: Ensure that the MAXIMUM value is always greater than the DEFAULT value.
  • Note 4: Overriding the BEX Safety Belt may result in undesired behaviors and other performance issues.

Here's the steps of how to check BW side values for BICS_DA_RESULT_SET_LIMIT_DEF and BICS_DA_RESULT_SET_LIMIT_MAX :

  1. Connect to your SAP Bussiness Warehouse in SAP GUI
  2. Start transaction SE16
  3. Enter table RSADMIN and hit enter
  5. Click Execute or hit F8

See Also


overide Business warehouse bex increase , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , BI-LUM-SRV , SAP Lumira Server , BI-LUM-OD , SAP Lumira Cloud , BI-LUM-SRV-ADM , Lumira Server BI Platform Admin, Auth, Security , Problem


SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0