This KBA applies for all SAP Products based on NetWeaver and S4H.
Huge amount of DBTABLOG entries, Delete Activity Logs from table DBTABLOG, Huge database growth caused by table logging, Cleanup, Truncate, Housekeeping, Critical, Too large, Performance, Increases, Löschen, steigt stark, Very large, Billion, Rows, Cleaning, Disable, Obsolete, rec/client, Sizing, Incorrect, Löschlauf, Customer, Runtime, Rapid, Growth, Activate, Logging, Exceeded, Advice, RSTBHIST, Antwortzeit, Tabellenprotokollierung, Zugriff, extrem langsam, Löschung, Slow, Space, Canceled, Changes, Rapidly, Contents, Timeout, Consuming lot of memory, Sehr groß, Reorg, Löschen, ALL, Deletion, Increasing, Suggestion, Large, Kurzdump, Performance-Probleme aufgrund, Review, Cleanup, Archiving, RSVTPROT, RECCLIENT, disk, increased, most , KBA , BC-CUS-TOL-ALO , Activity Log , Problem
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