- License keys are not created immediately
- Why do license keys show as Pending?
- Customer is located in Russia
- License Keys affected by Country Compliance rules
- License Keys delayed due to export control rules
- License keys showing as Pending status
- Maintenance Certificate not generated
- License keys are taking days to process
- License key request is taking too long to generate
- License key shows Pending ECCN Approval message
- Customer is located in country that has export control laws
- License key request is pending and not created successfully
- Delays in creating license keys
SAP for Me > License Keys
RU, Russia, export control, waiting for the export approval, Requests waiting for approval, approve license requests, approve requests, export approval , KBA , XX-SER-LIKEY , License keys for SAP systems , XX-SER-FORME , SAP for Me , XX-SER-LIKEY-SYB , Sybase Products , XX-SER-LIKEY-BOJ , Business Objects Products , XX-SER-SWFL-EXPORT , SAP: Export Issues (Download/Shipment) , Problem
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