You get the error Error occurred while reading object property when trying to change from SAPscript editor to the graphical editor.
MS Office 2013, 64bit is in use.
SAP Gui For Windows
Office Integration
SAPscript, Smart Forms, IW28, MS Word 2007, MS Word 2010, MS Word 2013, MS Word 2016, Graphical editor, Long text editor, Zeileneditor, Editor wechseln, Texteditor, SOFFICEINTEGRATION205, Error occurred while reading object property, Office 365 ProPlus, Office Integration, IW22, SO10, Fehler beim Lesen einer Objekt-Property, Word editor, SOFFICEINTEGRATION 205 , KBA , BC-FES-OFFI , SAP Desktop Office Integration , PM-WOC-MO , Maintenance Orders , PM-WOC-MN , Maintenance Notifications , BC-SRV-SCR , SAPscript , PM-WOC-LE , List Editing , BC-SRV-ALV , SAP List Viewer , Problem
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