Administrator user cannot logon to the SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java and this leads to deployment via SUM (Software Update Manager) to fail. Error in SUM traces:
You must enter a valid AS Java Administrator password.
Dialog eliminator jeeAdminPassEliminator does not allow to omit dialog UserPasswords
Validatable parameter J2EE/J2EEADMIN/PWD has been validated by validator RequiredFields.
Validatable parameter J2EE/J2EEADMIN/PWD is invalid according to validator J2EEAdministratorPasswordValidator.
Dialog eliminator jeeAdminPassEliminator does not allow to omit dialog UserPasswords
Could not authenticate the given user with AS Java. Check that user and password are correct.
Overal deployment message : Could not authenticate the given user with AS Java. Check that user and password are correct.
In the AS Java default traces, a failed logon attempt is populated:
User: Administrator
Authentication Stack: service.naming
Authentication Stack Properties:
template = ticket
Login Module Flag Initialize Login Commit Abort Details SUFFICIENT ok false true
- SAP NetWeaver
- Release Independent
IIOP P4 protocol RMI config tool profile parameters 1359784 icm/server_port_<xx> 1925352 ,SAP Production ERP SRM CRM ERP PPM SEM APO XI PI PORTAL issue RMI-IIOP applications 1925352 KM deployment fails, KMCBC, deployment error, SUM stuck, SUM hangs, Deploying offline components, exit code 67,, SAP Note 1715441 ,SAP Production ABAP R/3 ERP SRM CRM ERP PPM SEM APO XI PI PORTAL Test development QA JUpgrade.key,, secstore.key and the /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/data SAP KBA 1671795 SAP-J2EE-Engine service.naming BasicPasswordLoginModule REQUISITE , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC-LGN , Logon, SSO , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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