For the query on using SAP Web Dispatcher and avoid the users' directly in ICM, the Resolution section provide the details.
If a wrong redirect is made in the ICM side, it is possible that SAP Web Dispatcher, in front of ICM, stop connecting to the ICM reporting errors like:
*** WARNING => Failed to read group info for system <SID> (ABAP,HTTP): Internal ICM error(-1) [icrxx.c 3762] *** WARNING => Failed to read URL prefix info for system <SID> (ABAP,HTTP): Internal ICM error(-1) [icrxx.c 3762] |
Errors with a high trace level are listed as below,
NiICheckPendConnection: connection of hdl 704 to <dest IP>:<port> established |
In the browser error "503 Service not available" be reported or even a message like "server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."
These are examples of wrong redirections made in ICM side that affect the SAP Web Dispatcher behavior.
- SAP NetWeaver Systems
- SAP Web Dispatcher
Webdispatcher, HTTP response modification, handler rewrite, header rewriting, Internet Communication Manager, icm/HTTP/mod_<xx>, icm/HTTP/mod_0, RegRedirectUrl, redirect connection to Web Dispatcher, avoid directly connections to ICM , KBA , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , Problem
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