After performing 'load master database', 'sybsystemprocs' database encountered Error 806 when 'sybsystemprocs' database is being recovered during the start-up.
This usually hanppens when you migrate a ASE server to the one which has the different size of 'sybsystemprocs' database.
You may find the error message in ASE errorlog:
00:0006:00000:00002:2016/07/13 16:13:06.22 server Recovering database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:0006:00000:00002:2016/07/13 16:13:06.22 server Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'sybsystemprocs'.
00:0006:00000:00002:2016/07/13 16:13:07.28 server Error: 806, Severity: 21, State: 1
00:0006:00000:00002:2016/07/13 16:13:07.28 server Could not find virtual page for logical page 51208 in database 'sybsystemprocs'.
When you try to access the database:
1> use sybsystemprocs
2> go
Msg 926, Level 14, State 2:
Server 'xxx', Line 1:
Database 'sybsystemprocs' cannot be opened. An earlier attempt at recovery marked it 'suspect'. Check the ASE errorlog for information as to the cause.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
Error 806, Error 926, sybsystemprocs, load master , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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