After following the instructions described in the attachment of note 1618486, to setup the Data Services additional workload metrics, you face the following error:
ORA-01847: day of month must be between 1 and last day of month
A similar SQL statement will be found in the logs:
SELECT query <SELECT "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_NAME" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_KEY" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_RUNID" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."PATH" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."OBJECT_NAME" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."OBJECT_TYPE" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."DATAFLOW_NAME" FROM "BODS4REPGLOBAL"."ALVW_FLOW_STAT" "ALVW_FLOW_STAT" WHERE ( to_date('2016.04.22 13:41:24', ' hh24:mi:ss') < to_date( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."END_TIME" , 'YYYY.DD.MM HH24:MI:SS')) and (to_date( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."END_TIME" , 'YYYY.DD.MM HH24:MI:SS') < to_date('2016.04.22 14:11:24', ' hh24:mi:ss') ) and ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."OBJECT_TYPE" <> 'Dataflow') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."ROW_COUNT" like '0') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."START_TIME" like '0000%') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."END_TIME" like '0000%') and not ("ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_NAME" like 'di_job%') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_NAME" like 'CD_JOB%') > failed. The database error message is <SQL submitted to Oracle Server <(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <>(PORT = <port>)))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID=BOC4)))> resulted in error <ORA-01847: day of month must be between 1 and last day of month >. The SQL submitted is <SELECT "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_NAME" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_KEY" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_RUNID" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."PATH" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."OBJECT_NAME" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."OBJECT_TYPE" , "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."DATAFLOW_NAME" FROM "BODS4REPGLOBAL"."ALVW_FLOW_STAT" "ALVW_FLOW_STAT" WHERE ( to_date('2016.04.22 13:41:24', ' hh24:mi:ss') < to_date( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."END_TIME" , 'YYYY.DD.MM HH24:MI:SS')) and (to_date( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."END_TIME" , 'YYYY.DD.MM HH24:MI:SS') < to_date('2016.04.22 14:11:24', ' hh24:mi:ss') ) and ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."OBJECT_TYPE" <> 'Dataflow') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."ROW_COUNT" like '0') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."START_TIME" like '0000%') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."END_TIME" like '0000%') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_NAME" like 'di_job%') and not ( "ALVW_FLOW_STAT"."JOB_NAME" like 'CD_JOB%')
SAP Solution Manager 7.1
KBA , SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-AGT , Agent Framework , Problem
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