The SFAPI is SuccessFactors Data API. It is a SOAP Web Service designed for importing and exporting data to and from your SuccessFactors instance. It provides generic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations to access data, as well as metadata operations to allow runtime discovery of the data.2251702
The OData API is a solution with allows to export, create and update operations in the Recruiting Module. This Knowledge Base Article explains what OData API is and what possibilities it offers when in use with the Recruiting Management Module. Please note that OData API does not replace the SFAPI solution - it is an alternate integration.
This Knowledge Base Article is a Hub KBA for API services in use with Recruiting Management
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
Entity level SFAPI and oData API permissions for Recruiting Management
Entity Level permissions for both APIs: SFAPI and oData API are managed from RBP Permissions. If the api user is not granted permissions to update / insert / upsert / delete operations in "Recruiting Permissions" these actions won't be possible. Please refer to the following Knowledge Base Article for more information: 2323622
SFAPI entities and possible issues:
Recruitment logical entities correspond with Recruitment physical tables in the SuccessFactors database schema. Following SFAPI entities are available for Recruiting:
JobRequisition$<job req template ID>
JobCodeEntity$<job code entity ID>
JobApplication$<application template ID>
JobApplicant$<application template ID>
Candidate$<candidate profile template ID>
For more information about SFAPI Recruiting entities please refer to the attachment.
Potential issues for SFAPI in use with Recruiting entities:
Error type | Explanation | KBA reference |
Error: Internal error occurred! when updating application status using SFAPI | misconfiguration in the statusId field definition in the Application template | 2341145 |
Error - Internal error occurred in SFAPI Response.xml! During Recruiting Data Import RH_SFI_IMPORT_RECRUITING_DATA | Either the status which is coming in Request.xml (for example: TransferredToSAP) is not defined under: Applicant Status Configuration or mis-spelled the Status Name while defining in Applicant Status Configuration | 2245467 |
operatorTeam fields are not auto-populating when job requisitions are created using SFAPI / OData API | This is a current product limitation | 2291807 |
OData API entities and possible issues
Following entities are available for OData API with Recruiting:
- JobProfile
- JobReqFwdCandidates
- JobReqQuestion
- JobReqScreeningQuestion
- JobReqScreeningQuestionChoice
- JobReqTemplate_<template name>
- JobRequisitionLocale
- JobRequisitionOperator
- JobRequisitionPosting
- JobApplication
- JobApplicationAudit
- JobApplicationComments
- JobApplicationInterview
- JobApplicationOnboardingData
- JobApplicationOnboardingStatus
- JobApplicationQuestionResponse
- JobApplicationSnapshot_<background element name>
- JobApplicationStatus
- JobApplicationStatusLabel
- JobAppTemplate_<template name>
- Candidate
- CandidateBackground_<background element name>
- Job Offer
- JobOfferApprover
- JobOfferTemplate_<template name>
- OfferLetter
For the JobReqTemplate_*, find below some additional information from the handbook:
- For each job requisition template available, an entity is created. This is to help you check which fields are required on a specific template when you are creating a job requisition through the Odata API. These entities do not support any operation and are only available on the metadata and in the Admin Center under the "Odata API Dictionary" page. The entity is named using the “JobReqTemplate_” prefixed to the name of the template (For example, JobReqTemplate_Custom).
More information about entities in Recruiting and possible actions can be found in the following Knowledge Base Article: 2251702
Potential issues for OData API in use with Recruiting entities:
Error type | Explanation | KBA reference |
OData API error: "Recruiting OData API Application Create/Update permission in Admin Center is not enabled" | incorrect permissions assigned to the user which is being used to update the application via API call | 2273532 |
'COE_GENERAL_FORBIDDEN' error message when trying to use any Recruiting entity in Integration Center | incorrect permissions assigned to the user which is being used to update the application via API call | 2336587 |
Odata, API, Entity, Property, SFAPI, Integration , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-API , Webservices & APIs , LOD-SF-INT-API , API & Adhoc API Framework , How To
SFAPI_Recruitment_Entities_v1.01.docx |