In a print scenario using Adobe Document Service with S/4 HANA and/or ADS@HCP, to generate a spool or PDF, the following messages may be observed:
- Print preview from spool return following error:
"File /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/SPOOL00000XXXXX_00001.cfg cannot be opened" - Only one .pcl spool file is created instead of 3 files .cfg .pcl .xfd
- The printer LOCL with device type SAPWIN cannot be used.
- Field "DOC_NUMBERS_OF_PAGES" cannot be changed since it is read only
- Field "OUTPUT_DATA" cannot be changed since it is read only
- Error Unable to call core function READFILE: SY-SUBRC = 16 Message No. SPADS005 occurs when dispaly spool request
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe
ADS, Adobe, AdobeDocumentServices, pcl, spool, S/4HANA, ADS@HCP, SAP Cloud Platform Forms by Adobe, SOMU, SOMU_DB, Output Control, Output Device, LOCL, SAPWIN, PURCHASE_ORDER, Purchase Order, Type G, Printing, cannot be opened, HANA Cloud Platform, S/4 HANA 1510, S/4 HANA 1610, SPAD, PDF1, PDFUC;Unable to call core function READFILE: SY-SUBRC = 16;Message No. SPADS005 , KBA , CA-GTF-OC , SAP S/4HANA output management , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , BC-SRV-FP , Forms Processing , How To
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