When creating an account for a specific country you notice that the postal code is mandatory for this country but you would like change this so that the postal code is not mandatory.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Account Management work center.
- Select the Accounts view.
- Click on the New button and select Corporate Account.
- Enter the respecive details.
- In the Main Address section enter the country e.g. PK - Pakistan
- Once you enter the address details including the State you can see that the Postal Code field becomes mandatory.
- If you save the account without a postal code the following error message is displayed: Enter a postal code
However, you whish not to enter a postal code as it might not be required for the respective country.
You can change this as follows:
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Select the Implementation Projects view.
- Select your respective implementation project.
- Click on the Open Activity List button.
- Navigate to the Fine-Tune tab.
- In the Show select All Activities.
- Select the fine tuning activity Countries.
- Click on the Add to Project button if it is not included.
- Open the fine tuning activity Countries.
- Click on the Edit Countries hyperlink.
- Click on the filter symbol and enter desired country (in our example PK for Pakistan) and press enter.
- Select the Postal Attributes tab.
- You can deactivate the Street Address Postal Code Required indicator.
The Postal code is then not mandatory when creating an address for an account located in e.g. Pakistan.
KBA , SRD-CRM-ACC , Account Management , How To
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