During the execution of a report in Dialog or Batch, you receive a short dump like:
Category ABAP Programming Error Runtime Errors DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL Except. CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB
Short text
Error in module RSQL of the database interface.
The system log show entries with the following alert message:
SQL statement violates database system restrictiion
The developer trace (dev_w*) file shows the following error:
C MSSQL: Too many parameters: xxxxx. Cannot handle more than 10000 parameters
B ***LOG BYK=> current SQL statement exceeds a database limit
- SAP NetWeaver based systems with ABAP stack;
- MS SQL Server 2005 and higher;
CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB, DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL, ABAP Programming Error, Application Program, ST22, START-OF-SELECTION, FAE, msql, mssql, SQL9, SQL10, SQL11, SQL12, SQL13, ms sql, ms_sql, Microsoft SQL Server, ABA. Dumps, SM21 , KBA , BC-DB-MSS-SYS , Database Interface/DBMS for MSS , BC-DB-DBI , DB Independent Database Interface , BC-DB-MSS , SQL Server in SAP NetWeaver Products , Problem
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