If a BW system is copied, which also has archived data via NLS, certain tasks are to be done after a systemcopy. Otherwise one (or more) of the below situation can happen:
Reading archived data from the Near-Line Storage of a provider produces the error message:
- RSDA022 Near-line connection &1 has been disabled
Activating or Transporting DAP (Data Arhiving Process):
- RSDA019 Error while accessing relocated data (Archive or Near-line Storage)
- RSO404 Error when activating Data Archiving Process &1
or RS_DAPA_AFTER_IMPORT fails with:
General error in Nearline Service (-> long text)
Exception occurred in line 36 of include CL_RSDA_NEARLINE_OBJECT=======CM007 (program CL_RSDA_NEARLINE_OBJECT=======CP)
General error in Nearline Service (-> long text)
Exception occurred in line 16 of include CL_RSDA_NEARLINE_OBJECT=======CM006 (program CL_RSDA_NEARLINE_OBJECT=======CP)
Error during creation of DDIC sources of Data Archiving Process XXXXXX
Error when activating Data Archiving Process XXXXX
- BDLS is executed or
- if a source system is deleted
the following dump can happen:
"CL_RSDSO_DTP_PROXY============CP" bzw. CL_RSDSO_DTP_PROXY============CM00Y
- SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) 7.0
- SAP BW 7.01 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 1)
- SAP BW 7.02 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 2)
- SAP BW 7.03 (SAP BW 7.0 EHP 3)
- SAP NetWeaver 7.3
- SAP NetWeaver BW 7.31 (SAP NW BW 7.3 EnhP 1)
- SAP NetWeaver BW 7.40
- SAP NetWeaver 7.40
- SAP NetWeaver 7.41
- SAP NetWeaver 7.50
rsda022, RSDA 022, nls, systemcopy, system copy, systemkopie, system kopie, near-line storage, refresh, transport, sybase, IQ, 81, 12 , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-ARC , Archiving , BW4-ME-ADSO , DataStore Object (Advanced) , BW4-DM-DTO , Data Tiering Optimization , Problem
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