- When fetching data from an SAP Application source and a global variable is dynamically created with a list of values to be used in the Where clause of the "IN" operator, no values that correspond to the column list provided by the "IN" operator is returned.
- When source is SAP application and using dynamic where clause with "IN" operator does not return values in SAP Data Services.
- When using a global variable as a list of values and the in operator in the where clause, it does not treat the global varaible as a list if the where clause logic is not pushed down to the database.
- Sometimes global variable set as a list and used with the in operator works and returns the correct records and in some cases it does not work.
- Optimized SQL not passed to SAP.
- The list of values provided in the IN condition are not returned.
- NULL value from SAP application is returned.
SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services all versions
BODS, DS, DSXI, pushdown, global variables, IN clause, IN , KBA , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , Problem
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