- You have a requirement to set an idle session Portal timeout after a defined period of time e.g. 15 minutes.
- You have configured the connection setup with the lifetime properties as required but cannot achieve a Portal session timeout for idle users.
- EP Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
sap, netweaver, navigation, jquery, sap_netweaver_platform, enterprise_portal_(ep), javascript, portal, sap_portal, nw7.3, customizing, netweaver_portal, browser, release, uwl, session, idle, enterprise_workspaces, inactive, ep, portal., not, timeout, closing, portal_on_device, users, end, cloud_portal, automatically, backend, dsm, retention, mobile_portal, retained, logoff, sm04, portal-on-demand, portal7.3, session;, portal-on-device, portal;, sessionid, usersessiondata, timeout_issue, portalcontent, fiori, logoff_button, portal;hr, connectionfactory, portal:, inactivity, sessionsnetwork, portal73, portal74, logofile, lifetime, logoff.js, sessionissue, backendsystem, sessionmanagement, connectionhandle, logoff_redirect_url, dsm_terminator, portalcontentdirectory, portaldisplay, logoffmechanism, notreleased, connectionlifetime, logonticket, sessionticket, custom , KBA , EP-PIN-PRT , Portal Runtime , EP-PIN-AI-SRA , Session Release Agent , EP-CON , Connector Framework Infrastructure , Problem
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