SAP Note 2045716 - Mass tagging of objects from a search result and a mixed list has been implemeted in the system, but still it is not possible to mass tag objects such as the BTQR objects.
An error message Objects of type 'XXXXXXX' cannot be tagged is displayed.
The error occurs when attempting to mass tag for ALL one order objects such as BTQROpp, BTQRAct, BTQRLeadDoc, BTQRSrvReq, BTQRSrvCon etc.
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- SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP CRM 7.0
- SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP CRM 7.0
- SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP CRM 7.0
- SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP CRM 7.0
- SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP CRM 7.0, version for SAP HANA
SAP; CRM; WebUI; mass; tagging; object; tagged; add; grey; button; popup; BTQR; BTQR*; tag , KBA , CA-WUI-UI-TAG , Tag Library , CA-WUI-UI , User Interface , Problem
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