This is a list of frequently asked questions that relate to the SLD (sistema de liquidación directa, direct payment system).
Although every effort has been made to provide a thorough set of FAQs, this document is not exhaustive. If additional FAQs arise, this document will be updated to reflect the most current and accurate information. Questions are organized by topics, and for every topic there’s an introduction to help you understand what it is about.
Check that your questions are answered here, in SAP Notes, or in the existing product documentation before opening an case to SAP. The existing product documentation includes system documentation (reports/transactions, customizing - SPRO, field help, messages, BAdIs, payroll objects), and SAP Help Portal documentation ( Many cases are solved by applying an SAP Note. As a help to identify SAP Notes for SLD that may be missing in your system, you can use transaction ANST - for more information, see Knowledge Base Article 1818192.
In the Keywords section, you will find a glossary of terms in Spanish and English, to help you search through the questions and answers.
Note that several questions are about decisions made by Social Security, and SAP cannot be held responsible for these decisions.
The Spanish version of these frequently asked questions can be found in Knowledge Base Article 2415087.
Basic concepts about SLD and the SLD process.
1. Q. What is SLD?
2. Q. What is Cret@?
3. Q. How is SLD reflected in the SAP system?
4. Q. How does SLD calculate intervals?
5. Q. How are intervals filled?
6. Q. Why are I51M segments missing in the log?
7. Q. Why are intervals incorrectly created out of records of the Datos de mensaje AFI (0799) infotype?
8. Q. Unpaid leave does not reduce special payments. How should I proceed?
9. Q. Intervals are incorrectly created in the following cases:
- Bases were incorrectly distributed within the different intervals, causing rejection of the file because the amounts/hours are over or under the maximum or minimum.
- Hours were incorrectly distributed within the different intervals, causing rejection of the file because the amounts/hours are over or under the maximum or minimum.
- Intervals that should assigned to L00 are assigned to L13, and intervals that should be assigned to L13 are assigned to L00.
- Intervals were created when they should have not been created.
How should I proceed?
Adjustments (Payroll, Days, Intervals)
Although intervals always have to be reported based on natural days, in some cases the contribution bases contained in those intervals have to be adjusted to 30 days for monthly employees in order to determine the control of maximum and minimum bases. You can find the adjustment rules in the following link from the Social Security Web site:
1. Q. What's the calculation algorithm used by Social Security to define quotas, bonifications and reductions based on intervals?
2. Q. For an employee on a monthly contribution group, the system doesn't calculate the contribution base for worked days in the adjustment of an interval to 30 days. What should I do?
3. Q. How does the system carry out the adjustment of an interval to 30 days for employees on the daily contribution group?
4. Q. I need employees on the daily contribution group to contribute as a monthly employee in a specific area of my company, regardless the number of days of the month. What should I do?
5. Q. When should I create a payroll split and how does this affect intervals in SLD?
6. Q. The SLD: fichero de bases (RPC_PAYES_CRETA_BASES) report doesn't generate an interval required by Social Security, so the SLD bases file is rejected. How should I proceed?
7. Q. I need to report a reduction in working time for an employee due to legal guardianship. How should I handle the employee contract type in the system to calculate the adjustment of days?
8. Q. How does the system perform adjustments for part-time employees?
9. Q. The intervals missing or the adjustment is wrong for an employee. How should I proceed?
10. Q. One single day interval is missing in the bases file. This interval corresponds to one single day IT, or to an IT that begins the 31st day of the month. For example, a full time employee has the monthly contribution with 2 illness absences in a 31 day month (like October). Why is this happening?
11. Q. I need to report complementary hours for a part-time employee. How should I receive this information from payroll?
12. Q. I need to generate a record in the Seguridad Social (0061) infotype to end a bonification that has a fixed duration. How should I proceed?
Absences that are relevant for Social Security may cause a split in the intervals and, consequently, an adjustment of the contribution bases.
1. Q. What happens to months that have 28, 29 and 31 days if the employee is on sick leave for one day?
2. Q. How do contributions work when the employee is in part-time maternity/paternity leave?
3. Q. Are adjustments carried out in cases of employment regulation file (ERE) or unpaid absence (PSS) that last more than one day?
4. Q. In case an employee on a monthly contribution group reaches the maximum contribution limit, which bases correspond to each interval?
5. Q. When a partially-retired pensioner has a common illness that lasts more than 15 days, or a work accident, how are company contributions calculated?
6. Q. An employee goes on maternity leave and, in the same month, another employee substitutes her. Then, the Social Security rejects the SLD bases file and claims the file should have three intervals:
- One until the employee's maternity leave start date
- One from the maternity leave start date to the day before the employee is substituted
- One as of the day the employee is substituted
7. Q. An employee has a work accident relapse, but the interval generated by the SLD: fichero de bases (RPC_PAYES_CRETA_BASES) report starts one day before or after the expected day. How should I proceed?
8. Q. How does the system generate the bases file for public sector employees with unpaid absence?
9. Q. A part-time employee has an extended temporary disability period. The calculation of benefits for this employee considers the bases average for the past 12 months, which corresponds to a maternity absence. Instead, the regulatory base should consider the average for the past 3 months. How should I proceed?
10. Q. I need to report a reduction in working time for an employee due to legal guardianship. How should I handle the employee contract type in the system to calculate the daily regulatory base (BRD) during the employee absence?
11. Q. I have an employee with an IT/accident absence, and the bases file was rejected because the bases are lower than minimum. What should I do?
12. Q. What are the absences that must not generate any intervals in the bases file?
13. Q. In my company, some part-time employees have the following absence-related scenarios:
- Intervals are missing for a part-time employee with absence.
- Hours reported in intervals for a part-time employee with absence are wrong (for example, negative hours).
- Hours reported in intervals for a part-time employee with absence are incorrectly distributed between different intervals.
- Scenarios like the previous three, but for employees in legal guardianship situation.
How should I proceed?
14. Q. I have issues with the following absences: suspension of employment and salary (suspensión de empleo y sueldo), serious misconduct (falta grave), saction (sanción) or work leave (excedencia). How should I proceed?
15. Q. An employee on maternity leave has been rejected in the bases file, because bases exceed the maximum limit (besides, other symptoms may apply). How should I proceed?
16. When I run the SLD: fichero de bases (RPC_PAYES_CRETA_BASES) report for an absent employee with benefits, the following happens:
- Container 563 (COMPENSACIÓN IT ENFERMEDAD COMÚN) is included in intervals to which benefits don't apply.
- A negative L00 settlement is generated with container 563 (COMPENSACIÓN IT ENFERMEDAD COMÚN).
17. PSS Absence does not generate interval
How should I proceed?
Non-Taken Vacation
Payment of non-taken vacation has to be reported as an additional settlement L13 upon termination. For more information, see SAP Note 585856.
1. Q. How to report non-taken vacation with worked days?
2. Q. How does the system behave after I apply SAP Note 2201485 with VNDs on the 31st day of the month, for an employee that has reached the maximum bases?
3. Q. The bases file is rejected because, in the interval that corresponds to L13, concepts 500 and 601 are generated without amounts. How should I proceed?
4. Q. Why is the L13 interval generated with negative amounts?
Calculation File
After sending the bases file to the Social Security, the Social Security sends the corresponding calculation file to companies.
1. Q. How does the system report amounts that were included by CCC in the FAN file? For example, CA11 (otros conceptos, other concepts), CA12 (aportación a los servicios comunes, contribution to common services), CA20 (deducción por contingencias excluidas, deduction over excluded contingencies), or CA21 (deducción colaboración voluntaria enfermedades comunes y/o accidente no laboral, deduction for voluntary contributions to temporary disability and/or non-work-related case).
Additional Settlements and Lagged Period
Additional settlements are meant to report arrears on contribution bases due to payroll retrocalculation. By activating the lagged period functionality, there is an additional month to avoid additional settlements in case of payroll retrocalculation. For more information, see SAP Note 797061, or Customizing: Cálculo de la nómina -> Cálculo de nómina: España -> Evaluaciones para la Seguridad Social -> Activar resultados de nómina en período desfasado.
1. Q. SLD and TC reports should work simultaneously with lagged period. How should I proceed?
2. Q. I need to report an additional settlement that comprises periods before and after the activation date of the lagged period functionality. How should I proceed?
3. Q. An employee had a retrocalculation with arrears in contribution bases. I expect an additional settlement with an increment in the bases. However, I get a non deliverable file (no entregable) and the bases contained in the file do not correspond to the increment in the contribution bases. For example, an illness absence is created for a payroll period already reported in the past. How should I proceed?
4. Q. Negative additional settlements are rejected by the Social Security. How should I proceed?
5. Q. After implementing SAP Note 2296011, a single execution of the SLD: fichero de bases (RPC_PAYES_CRETA_BASES) report generates several TemSe files. How can I tell them apart when I run the process in the background?
6. Q: In my company, there are several different employees with different types of additional settlements, and I would like to generate a single bases file for all of these employees. However, I can only select one single type of additional settlement in the SLD: fichero de bases (RPC_PAYES_CRETA_BASES) report selection screen, and only one type of reason for presentation for the L13 settlement. How should I proceed?
Multiple Employment
Employees or civil servants that have several employment relationships and contribute for the maximum or minimum bases have to split their contributions between the different employers. In public administrations, FOGASA and unemployment are exempt, so the other employer will contribute for the 100% of those concepts. SLD concepts 701 and 702 have to be reported with the bases that are subject to unemployment and FOGASA exclusive contribution.
1. Q. Amount in concept 702 or 701 is wrong. Why is this happening?
2. Q. An employee starts or ends a multiple employment relationship in the middle of the month. SLD generates several intervals, which is rejected by the Social Security. How should I proceed?
Public Sector
Some contribution rules apply only for civil servants or public sector employees.
1. Q. An employee or civil servant working for a public sector entity has an unpaid absence. The bases file is rejected by the Social Security. How should I proceed?
2. Q. Bases file not generated
- Human Capital Management (HCM)
- SAP R/3
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A tiempo parcial = part-time Accidente laboral = work accident Baja por enfermedad = sick leave Baja por maternidad = maternity leave Base de cotización = contribution base Base reguladora = regulatory base Base reguladora diaria (BRD) = daily regulatory base (BRD) Bonificación de cuantía fija = fixed-amount bonification Código de cuenta de cotización (CCC) = contribution account code (CCC) Complementarias negativas = negative additional settlements Cotización = contribution Días trabajados = worked days Empleado diario de cotización mensual = employee on the daily contribution group Enfermedad común = common illness Expediente de regulación de empleo (ERE) = Employment regulation file (ERE) Fichero de bases = bases file Fichero de cálculos = calculation file Fichero de comunicación de datos bancários = bank details notice file Fichero de respuesta = response file Fichero de solicitud = request file Fichero de solicitud de borrador = draft copy request file Fichero de solicitud de cálculos = calculation request file Fichero de solicitud de confirmación = confirmation request file Fichero de solicitud de trabajadores y tramos = workers and intervals request file Fichero de trabajadores y tramos = workers and intervals file Fichero documento cálculo liquidación = settlement calculation sheet file Fichero recibo de liquidación de cotizaciones = contribution settlement receipt file Fichero relación nominal de trabajadores = worker payroll list file Fichero resolución de datos bancários = bank details resolution file Guarda legal = legal guardianship Horas complementarias = complementary hours Huelga = strike Huelga legal total = total legal strike Incapacidad temporal (IT) = temporary disability (IT) IT prolongada = extended temporary disability Jubilado parcial = partially-retired pensioner Liquidación complementaria = additional settlement Mensaje IDC/PL-CCC = contribution data message Paga extra = special payment Permiso sin sueldo (PSS) = unpaid absence (PSS) Pluriempleo = multiple employment Prestaciones = benefits Recaída = relapse Reingreso = rehire Sistema de liquidación directa (SLD) = direct payment system (SLD) Split de nómina = payroll split Tramo = interval Vacaciones no disfrutadas (VND) = non-taken vacation (VND) , KBA , PY-ES , Spain , PA-PA-ES , Spain , How To
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