While building reports for time off using advanced reporting. One of the requirement is to include the time off approver (manager/HR) or the Requester and Requested on information. The approver was set up in the workflow but we are unable to find a field that references the approver for the time off requested by the user.
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- Advanced reporting
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to Reporting > Canvas report > Advanced Reporting
- Create new report using Time Management > Employee Time as driving table
- Drill down selection to find Approver field and Requested on
Please note that the field "Approver" and Requested on are transient values and it does not exist in the DB. There is a logic in the UI that calculates the value when the page loads up. It looks up the request and finds the associated workflow to determine the "final" approver for the workflow.
Workflow Approved Date Workflow Approver Names, Requester and Requested on for Time Off Object are not reportable in Advance Reporting. As this is currently an 'on the fly' value it is currently not reportable.
Time Off, ORD, advanced, Reporting on Approver Column, Requested, Leave , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-ADV , Advanced Reporting (ODS) , Problem