After upgrading SAP NetWeaver Gateway to 7.5 SP04, the Fiori tile using OData sevice is failing to load with the following error below:
"message": "HTTP request failed",
"headers": [],
"statusCode": 500,
"statusText": "Internal Server Error",
"responseText": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><error xmlns:xsi=\"\"><code>HTTP/500/E/Internal Server Error</code><message>Call of service/sap/opu/odata/iwbep/RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT_2/$batchterminated because of an error. The following error text was processed in system :Type conflict in ASSIGN in program /IWCOR/CL_DS_EP_WRITER_JSON===CP .The error occurred on the application server . The termination type was:RABAX_STATE.If the termination type is RABAX_STATE, you will find more information in transaction ST22. If thetermination type is ABORT_MESSAGE_STATE, you will find more information on the cause of termination intransaction SM21. If the termination type is ERROR_MESSAGE_STATE, you can search for further information inthe trace file for the work process in transaction ST11.You may also need to analyze the trace files of otherwork processes. If you do not yet have a user ID, contact your system adminmistrator.</message></error>"
NetWeaver Gateway 7.5 SP04
termination type RABAX_STATE Fiori, Flight 2 Fiori failed , KBA , CA-FE-FLP-EU , Please use CA-FLP-FE-UI , Problem
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