This Knowledge Based Article(KBA) answers the most frequently asked questions for India Companies Act Solution.
List of questions answered in this Knowledge Based Article:
Q1. In which SAP Note can I find the information required to implement this solution?
Q2. I am unable to implement the SAP Note 2052506; The status is either Red or ‘Cannot be Implemented’. What can I do to implement it?
Q3. Why do I need to activate the EA-FIN business function?
Q4. Is this solution supported in releases lower than ECC 600, such as 500, 470, or 46C?
Q5. Depreciation calculation using WDV method is not occurring in spite of implementing the SAP Note 2052506. What can I do?
Q6. The NBV (Net Book Value) of my asset is lower than its scrap value at the end of the asset’s useful life. How can I correct this?
Q7. What are the SAP NOTES for India Companies Act Solution?
Q8. Scope of 'Depreciation to the Day' functionality for the Indian Companies Act solution?
Q9. Where does the calculation of the depreciation percentage take place?
Financial Accounting (FI)
SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
SAP ERP Central Component
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
SAP S/4HANA Finance
India Companies Act 2013, EA-FIN, WDV, NBV, CL_IM_FAA_DC_COUNTRY_IN, CL_IM_FAA_EE_COUNTRY_IN, New Depriciation Engine, SLM, Depreciation to the day, FAA_DC_COUNTRY, lv_percent , KBA , companies act solution , india companies act 2013 , XX-CSC-IN-FIAA , use FI-LOC-AA-IN (India Asset Accounting) , FI-LOC-AA-IN , India , Problem
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