- Can the number of Decimal places shown for Pay Component Groups be changed or limited?
- Can I control the placement of the decimal?
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Cloud
- SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central -Compensation Information & Pay Component Non-Recurring (Spot Bonus/One-Time Payment)
- You can Limit Number of Decimal Places for Pay Component Groups in the filed Maximum Fraction Digits (Manage Business Configuration >payComponentRecurring / payComponentNonRecurring -> paycompvalue / value -> Details -> change Maximum Fraction Digits).
Entering values in the UI is allowed up to max 18 fraction digits ( a total of 20 characters allowed including decimal separator example if 18.12345678901234567 here 2 digit whole number therefore 17 fraction digit allowed and one decimal separator (.dot) when entering values). Example: 2.123456789012345678 system then rounds it up to 5 fraction digits Example: 2.12346. Hence, max fractions allowed is 5.
- Note: If you want to keep Pay Component Group without Decimal > You cannot keep Pay Components used in Pay Component Group with decimals and Pay Component Group (Like Annualized Salary) without decimal. "Maximum decimal places" in respective pay components added to that particular pay component groupsneeds to be 0 or you should not enter decimal values for the respective pay component while maintaining the data. Summary: Pay Component Group's decimal/fraction digits depends on all off the pay components value's added to it.
For more info: 2459176 - Cannot round Pay Component Group Values
"The definition of Maximum Fraction Digits and Show Trailing Zeroes is not possible for Pay Component Group Sums."
Pay Component Groups, Pay Components, Decimal Places, Compensation Information, multi-decimal control, SFEC, SFSF, SF EC, success factors, payComp, ECT-13773, story, ECT-13773, , KBA , maximum fraction digits , pay component decimal values , max digits , pay component group fraction value , LOD-SF-EC-CMP-REC , Recurring Payments , LOD-SF-EC-CMP-NRE , Spot Bonus & Non-Recurring Payments , Problem