When bidder opens a RFx and click on any of these buttons (Participate / Not participate / Tentative), it shows the same information message: You have been registered. You will be informed of RFx changes
(BBP_PD 051).
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) 7.0 and higher
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
RFx, bidder, intention, intent, icon, message, you have been registered, You will be informed of RFx changes, BBP_BID 051, BBP_BID051, 051, BBP_BID, generic, same, buttons, tentative, participate, do not, srmstd, srm, ebp, red, green, yellow, vendor, registration, action, awards, response and awards, , KBA , SRM-EBP-QUO , Quotation, Bid , SRM-EBP-BID , Bid Invitation , Problem
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