- Disp+work process is yellow : Running, message server ok, As Java some process running<status>
- Java server node(s) is up and running.
- Software Deployment Manager (SDM )is down(grey in SAP MMC).
- SDM logs (/usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/j2ee/cluster/SDM/program/log) contains
"SDM is currently detached from JStartupFramework. Forward this information to the JStartupFramekwork (disable SDM process).
Waiting up to 60 seconds for shutdown by JControl before exiting myself.
JControl is shutting SDM Server down
Asynchroneously processing shutdown request.
Server finished sending back the answer of the ShutdownRequest."
SAP Netweaver Java 7.0X
JStartupFramework,JControl,sapcontrol,dispatcher,dev_disp,j2ee_engine,netweaver_java,deployment, , KBA , BC-JAS-SF , Startup Framework , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , Problem
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