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2347758 - Open SQL - Unexpected data sequence returned by SELECT


  1. The SELECT SINGLE or SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS command does not return the data in the desired order. For example, when more than one row meets the SELECT condition, the command does not return them in the desired order.

  2. The SELECT command returns the dataset in an unexpected sequence. The issue may begin to occur after an upgrade or migration.



  • SAP Netweaver release independent.
  • ABAP System.


SAP NetWeaver all versions


OPEN SQL,  data sequence, up to 1 rows, SELECT SINGLE, sort, order by, upgrade, migration , KBA , BC-ABA-LA , Syntax, Compiler, Runtime , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-DBI , DB Independent Database Interface , BC-DB-DB4 , DB2 for AS/400 , BC-DB-DB2 , DB2 for z/OS , BC-DB-MSS , SQL Server in SAP NetWeaver Products , BC-DB-HDB , Use HAN-DB*. Here CCMS, Porting, DB Interface issues only , BC-ABA-LA-EPC , Extended Program Check (SLIN), Code Vulnerability Analyzer , Problem

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