- When a user first logs in and manually synchronizes the device, all relevant Work Order Operations are received.
- User assignment is done per work order operation and push occurs for the operation
- If an operation is assigned to the user, the user receives the operation on next push cycle.
- User does not have to manually sync and a pop up notification is received that a new operation is received
- If that same user no longer has the Agentry client running in the foreground (e.g. pressing the iOS device Home button) the next push fails with status “CLNTERROR” in table /SYCLO/PSH02 and the corresponding record in /SYCLO/PSH01 remains at “PROCESS”.
- Changed time stamp continues to update at each new push interval and statuses remain the same.
- This same behavior also happens if you reach the screen timeout setting and the device goes to standby mode, and/or the device is locked.
- If you check SMP Admin portal, it shows the user is still logged on and active
- From this point forward the device will no longer receive any push notifications until the user manual hits the sync button within the Work manager Application.
- The assigned work orders now download as part of the WO Operation fetch process.
- Post successful sync, push begins working again and now you receive a notification on your device that you have received a new WO operation
SAP Work Manager version 6.3.0
SAP Work Manager 6.3.0
locked, background, iOS, iPad, syclo, CLNTERROR, agentry, syclo , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , MOB-SYC-SAP-WM , Syclo SAP Work Manager Application , Problem
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