Software Provisioning Manager tool (70SWPM) fails during DB instance installation with Oracle RAC and you have the following error during step resetDb :
sapinst_dev.log |
ERROR <timestamp> (root/sapinst) [EJSGlobal.cpp:48] id=ejs.scriptMessage errno=FJS-00003 EJS_ErrorReporter TypeError: oracom.getDatabaseRefresh is not a function (in script NW_ABAP_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind, line <number>) |
- Software Provisioning Manager 70SWPM 1.0 SP17 patch level 0 to 3
- Systems based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0x
- Operational System Independent
- Database Oracle 12c
resetDb, sapinst_dev.log, TypeError, oracom.getDatabaseRefresh, oracom, getDatabaseRefreshSAPinst, SWPM, Error, Fail, Fails, Failed, Execution, Stuck, Stop, Start, Crash, Hangs, Freeze, Frozen, Bug, Solution, sapinst_dev.log, sapinst.log, root, sudo, Windows, NT, Cluster, Unix, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, RHEL, RHEL6, RHEL 6, SUSE, Enterprise, Oracle, Software Provisioning Manager, SIDadm, Switch, Cshrc, Environment, Limits, Step, Classpath,Migration, System Copy, Refresh, Refreshing, Export, Exporting, Import, Database, OSDB, NetWeaver, Distributed, Central, Media,Installation, Installer, Install, NW, 70, 700, 7.0, 7.00, 701, 7.01, 702, 7.02, 703, 7.03, 71, 710, 7.1, 7.10, 711, 7.11, 72, 720, 7.2, 7.20, 73, 730, 7.30, 7.3, 74, 740, 7.4, 7.40, 75, 750, 7.50, 7.5, Export, Exporing, Import, Importing , KBA , BC-INS , Installation Tools (SAP Note 1669327) , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , BC-INS-NT , SAP Netweaver based Solutions on Windows , BC-INS-UNX , Installation Unix , BC-DB-ORA-SYS , Database Interface / DBMS , Bug Filed
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