SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2350457 - Corrected I9 Form Red Text - Onboarding 1.0


  • After correcting a candidate name during the orientation step and upon completion of the process the I9 form has a red text stating I-9 Corrected on Date. Replaced with new I-9.
  • Information changed on I9
  • asking to re-sign form
  • red text


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0 - All Versions

Reproducing the Issue

  • Review the new hire information and make a correction either to their name, SSN or DOB.
  • Once corrected and I go to the complete the signature step the I9 then will have  a Red Text that states" I-9 Corrected on ( the date it was corrected).  Replaced with new I-9.


  • The resolution is to check the information that has been corrected and see if it's accurate.
  • Changes can include date, name, address, ssn or type of verification document.
  • This is expected behavior anytime a correction is made to the candidate's I9 form during the orientation step.
  • The employee will be required to re-sign the form because this acts as a legal acknowledgment that the form has had a change.


I9 Form, Correct Data, Orientation Step, US I9, red, text, OBD, change, , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-I9 , I9 Issues and requests for Onboarding , LOD-SF-OBD , Onboarding , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions