- When parallel_dist is enabled, Replication Server crashes after reporting the following error:
INTERNAL ERROR #23 WORKER( ) - generic/sqm/sqmext.c(15672)
Failed to assert 'read->sqmr_blk_offset < sizeof(read->sqmr_block->sqmb_data)' at 15674, ...
DIST for 'PDS.pdb' is waiting for SQM(s) to flush to outbound queue(s).
- It is followed by an "infected with signal 11" error with a stack trace:
Thread SQT(102:1 DIST PDS.pdb) infected with signal 11.
The stack trace looks like:
(dbg_dump_stack+0x164) [0x8ae9aa]
- When parallel_dist is disabled, Replication Server reports the following error:
INTERNAL ERROR #23 SQT(103:1 DIST PDS.pdb) - generic/sqm/sqmext.c(15672)
Failed to assert 'read->sqmr_blk_offset < sizeof(read->sqmr_block->sqmb_data)' at 15674, ...
DIST for ' PDS.pdb' is waiting for SQM(s) to flush to outbound queue(s).
- It is followed by a similar "infected with signal 11" error with a stack trace that includes the following functions:
(linux_dump_all_func_stack+0x32) [0x87bfe8]
(dbg_dump_stack_noarg+0x31) [0x8ad699]
(dbg_dump_stack+0x164) [0x8ae9aa]
(exc__appDumpStack+0x105) [0x6a3535]
(exc_terminate_my_thread+0x13e) [0x6a71f0]
(exc_raise_exception+0x2e8) [0x6a633e]
() [0x49a539]
(_sqm_read_message+0x33e9) [0x4ad051]
(sqm_read_message+0x5a) [0x4adaa4]
(_sqt_re_read_from_sqm+0x1f23) [0x4db953]
(_sqt_read_from_cache+0xa21) [0x4e1c1f]
(_sqt_service+0xe6b) [0x4e5469]
(_sqt_wrap+0x54f) [0x4e5fe5]
(srv__start_function+0x1eb) [0x9e1e7b]
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1 SP304
CR#800802, CR800802, 800802, RepServer, stacktrace, crash, fail , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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