SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2351589 - What happens when admin does Record learning for users with completion date prior to Assignment date?


Can we configure the system to restrict a supervisor/admin from selecting a completion date that is prior to the assigned date of the Item that they are recording the completion for?

We only want that supervisor to be able to record a completion date that falls on or after the assignment date.

When a supervisor/admin does this, it creates extra line of records to a user's learning history and also does not remove the item from the user's learning plan, as the completion date is prior to the assignment date of the item.


SuccessFactors Learning Management System

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log as admin/supervisor;
  2. Navigate to Users->Tools->Record Learning-Multiple;
  3. Record a learning event for an item and enter a completion date that is prior to the assignment date of that item;
  4. It will record an entry to the user's learning history, but won't remove that item from the user's learning plan.


The record Learning was done for the user with completion date prior to the assignment date.


It is not possible to restrict a supervisor/admin from selecting a completion date that is prior to the assignment date of the Item that they are recording the completion for.

If the item has to be removed from the learning plan of the user, the record learning needs to be performed with completion date later than the assignment date.

See Also

2565268 - Remove Item from the Assigned Items, using Completion

2526126 - Items remains in learning plan after recording learning for user.


record learning, completion date, assigned date, assignment date, record completion, previous, prior , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions