If you split the sales rule for the period that is settled the system uses the last valid entry in the settlement period in the table of the calculation rules for determining the sales-based rent for the whole period.
EA-APPL | 604-616 |
EA-FIN | 617 and higher |
SAP_FIN | 618 and higher |
S4CORE | 100 and higher |
SETTLPERIOD , RESRSE , Sales rule , sales-based rent, Sales-based rent settlement, Calculation of Sales-Based Rent, prorated, pro-rata, pro rata Berechnen der Umsatzmieten , Änderung , Umsatzregel , Abrechnungsperiode, Umsatzmietenabrechnung,Umsatzmeldung, Umsatz, anteilig , KBA , RE-FX-SR , Sales-Based Rent , How To
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