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2353260 - In-use DBFILE starts reporting hos_bioexception Disk is or will be full on I/O error when nearly full


  • SAP IQ server configured with dbspace and associated  dbfiles that has previously been correctly created and has been already successfully been used without issues. 
  • Client data INSERT type  transactions start to fail with errors similar to:

    org.springframework.dao.ConcurrencyFailureException: CallableStatementCallback; SQL [{call SCALA.LoadActualPosition(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}];
    SQL Anywhere Error -1285: An IO error was encountered while writing a database page in DBSpace. Please check your IQ message file for additional information.
    -- (slib/s_bufman.cxx 5608) -- Transaction rolled back; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException:

  • Corresponding I/O errors messages seen in the iqmsg file:

    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0000000000 Exception Thrown from oslib/hos_bio.cxx:849, Err# 33, tid 1166 origtid 1166
    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0000000000 O/S Err#: 28, ErrID: 518 (hos_bioexception); SQLCode: -1006094, SQLState: 'QBA94', Severity: 14
    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0000000000 [20332]: Disk is or will be full on I/O to or allocation of file /pathname/of/dbfile/IQ_USER_MAIN_49
    -- (oslib/hos_bio.cxx 849)
    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0000000000 Write blk 960261 for 16 blk(s) (dbBlkSz 32768)
    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0000000000 main Bufman: I/O error while writing; buffer={btype=14,nlb=16,blk=206017028,pbn=206017028,
    npb=16,uid=593216,mn=1406141,upmn=1406141,flgs=0x8000000a page={btype=14,nlb=16,npb=16,ctr
    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0000000000 =131,cta=131,pbn=206017028,txn=165362221,sp=4,ver=1,pb=4,pus=3392}. slib/s_buf.cxx:2414
    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0001467603 Exception Thrown from slib/s_bufman.cxx:5608, Err# 0, tid 15 origtid 15
    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0001467603 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2095 (s_writeexception); SQLCode: -1009171, SQLState: 'QSB67', Severity: 23
    I. 08/09 11:48:11. 0001467603 [20224]: An IO error was encountered while writing a database page in DBSpace. Please check your IQ message file for additional information.
    -- (slib/s_bufman.cxx 5608)

  • The dbfile reported in the error is one of a number of dbfiles within the same dbspace, is defined with striping on and is mapped to a RAW device. 
  • The dbfile reported in the error message is online, in a read write state but is nearly fully utilized, however there is space available in other dbfiles in the dbspace which are being written to  successfully without issue.



  • SAP IQ 16 any version on Unix based platforms
  • Dbspaces defined with multiple DBfiles striped across raw devices


SAP IQ 16.0


abort, sybase, disk failure, filesystem, file system, db_file, loading, writing, readwrite, update , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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