When you release a purchase-sided Trading contract (TC), with multiple item lines, multiple Purchase orders (PO) get created. Although the TC items contain the same commercial data (such as vendor, purchasing organization, purchasing group, etc., stored in table WBHD, maintained on Purchasing I and Purchasing II tabs in WB21/WB22) the system does not combine the items into one common PO.
- Global Trading Management (EA-GLTRADE) in SAP ERP
- Global Trading Management (EA-GLTRADE) in S4 HANA
multiple PO, TC release, WBHD, commercial data, WB21, WB22, follow-on document, combine, TC item, purchase-sided TC, WB2_CONTRACT_ADD, WB2_CONTRACT_RELEASE , KBA , mm, gtm, cpe, contract , LO-GT-TC , Trading Contract , Problem
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