Symptom 1:
During the creation or editing of a rule routine for field 0TXTXL, the following syntax error happens:
"E:Structure "_TY_S_TG_1" does not contain any fields."
- Infoobject has the following settings on "Master Data/Texts" tab:
- The 0TXTXL Infoobject's Rule Type is a Routine/Formula
- From routine template, a row is missing:
BEGIN OF _ty_s_TG_1,
* InfoObject: 0TXTXL Extra long description.
TXTLG TYPE RSTXTXL, <<<<<<<< missing
END OF _ty_s_TG_1.
Symptom 2:
Activate transformation, error: "The data object "_G_1" does not have a component called "TXTLG".
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
- BW/4HANA 1.0
- BW/4HANA 2.0
RSTRAN523, 0TXTXL, _TY_S_TG_1, routine, rstran 523, RG102, GP_ERR_RSTRAN_MASTER_TMPL , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-TRF , Transformation , BW-WHM-DBA-IOBJ , InfoObjects , Problem
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