During an upgrade of an ABAP Stack with SUM, it fails at phase MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG or MAIN_NEWBAS/PARMVNT_UPG (or PARMVNT_APPL_VIEWS as of SUM 2.0 SP13) due to duplicate key errors with EDOPROCSPINTDET table:
WETP000 11:27:40: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "EDOPROCSPINTDET " -
2EETP345 11:27:52: Retcode 1: SQL-error "1505-The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX
statement terminated because
2EETP345 a duplicate key was found for the object name 'ed1.EDOPROCSPINTDET'
and the index name 'ED
2EETP345 OPROCSPINTDET~00'. The duplicate key value is (000, /EDOSVNCINV1,
2EETP345 FI_INVOICE)." in DDL statement for "EDOPROCSPINTDET "
2 ETP000 --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
2EETP334 11:27:52: error in DDL, nametab for "EDOPROCSPINTDET" not activated
- SAP NetWeaver based systems with ABAP Stack;
- MS SQL Server 2008 and higher;
sid, conv, schema, mssql, msql, ms sql, sqlserver, sqlservr, create, unique, index, create unique index, fails during upgrade, failed to upgrade, upgradation, MAIN_NEWBAS, PARCONV_UPG, PARCONV, EDOPROCSPINTDET, duplicate key, duplicate index, SQL10, SQL11, SQL12, activation, nametab, not activated, DDL, DB-ROLLBACK, statement, EDOPROCSPINTDET~00, RETCODE 1, MAIN_NEWBAS/PARMVNT_UPG, MAIN_TRANSEXEC/PARMVNT_TRANS, MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG, PARCONV_UPG, PARMVNT_TRANS, PARMVNT_UPG, PARMVNT_APPL_VIEWS , KBA , BC-DB-MSS-UPG , SQL Server Upgrades in SAP NetWeaver Products , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DB-MSS , SQL Server in SAP NetWeaver Products , BC-DWB-DIC-AC , ABAP Dictionary Activation and Conversion , Problem
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