During the activation phase, following error occurs:
Select a shorter name for <fieldname>
System release lower than SAPKB70031, SAPKB70116, SAPKB70212, SAPKB71018, SAPKB71113, SAPKB72008, SAPKB73008, SAPKB73104
Message no. AD102, Diagnosis, The specified name is too long. Usually up to 30 characters are permitted for names. The specified name is too long. Usually up to 16 characters are permitted for names. There are some restrictions for certain objects. These objects are included in the following list together with the maximum length allowed: Transparent tables and their fields: 16, Logical and physical pools/clusters and their fields: 10, Database views: 16, Lock objects: 16, Matchcode objects: 4, Indexes: 3, Matchcode IDs: 1, Check table <tablename>, Table <tablename> must be created in the database, Check on table <tablename> resulted in errors, 3 DDT014X, 1EDAD102, 3 DDT015, 1EEDO519, Activation program, SE11, SE37, Function module DD_TABL_CHK_SAANORM, DD_TABL_CHK_SAANORM, FIELDNAME, NAME_FELD, DD03D , KBA , BC-DWB-DIC-ED , Data Dictionary Tools in ABAP Workbench , BC-DWB-DIC-AC , ABAP Dictionary Activation and Conversion , Problem
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