- An update the SAP MaxDB/liveCache software using SDBINST is necessary. This method will only perform the software update and will not carry out the additional
steps made by SDBUPD in the normal update process(I.e. Catalog migration). This specific method should only be used in some special situations like the one covered by
SAP note '1806886 - Resetting passwords as of SAP MaxDB 7.6', which requires some minimum software version to work. Specifically in the note's 1806886 scenario, as none
of the database user passwors(or at least the DBM and SYSDBA users) are known, the SDBUPD method will not work as it requires the DBM user to be authenticated during the update
process. - A software reinstallation is necessary. For example, due to inconsistencies in the software installation cause changes in the file access mode and/or ownership in UNIX
platforms. This scenario is covered on SAP note '1789865 - Database does not start due to wrong file permissions'. - Or if explicity requested by SAP MaxDB/liveCache support to use this method to fix and/or any software installation issues.
- All commands must be executed as local 'Administrator' user in Microsoft Windows or 'root' user in UNIX.
- This procedure should only be used to perform updates within the same software version(Support package level or patch level. I.e. ->
Updating to another <Major Release>.<Minor Release> software version is not supported by this method and should not be done(I.e. 7.7.xx.yy -> 7.9.xx.yy).
- SAP MaxDB/liveCache >= 7.6.
- Microsoft Windows.
SAP NetWeaver all versions
rename update install reinstall unix windows maxdb liveCache sdbinst , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , BC-DB-LVC-INS , Installation , BC-DB-LVC-UPG , Upgrade , BC-DB-SDB-INS , Installation with MaxDB , BC-DB-SDB-UPG , Upgrade , How To
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