With some scenarios of having multiple Security Domains and setting up Security Domain Restrictions, what are the expected behaviors of them?
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
- Multiple security domain restrictions applied to same permission in different roles assigned to one admin:
- Example: An admin is allowed to view data for Switzerland and Italy but there are two security domain restrictions for each of those country/regions.
- In order for the admin to view data for each security domain restriction, they have a report workflow in two of the roles assigned to them; One role with the report permission has the security domain restriction for Switzerland and the same can be said in another role for Italy.
- The system will provide the admin the ability to view both Switzerland and Italy data in the report that was assigned the security domain restriction.
- Same permissions in multiple roles with different level of restriction:
- Example: An admin is assigned two roles that have the same permissions. One of those roles has no security domain restrictions while the other does.
- When the admin has no restriction on the permission, this will take over any restriction access for each of those permissions. The admin will be able to see all data for all the permissions they have access to that has no security domain restrictions.
Guide for more info.
SAP, SF, LMS, Successfactors, learning, domain restriction, role restriction, permission, report , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , LOD-SF-LMS-WOR , Roles & Workflows , How To
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