- The servers sporadically encounter an overload of the dispatch queues and broken connection to the message server. As a result, updates terminate and background jobs getting canceled.
- From the Dispatch queue statistics there are high number of waiting requests (Example: tens of thousands) in DIA work process. To check these requests:
- Go to SAPMMC,
- Queue Statistic or SM51,
- Click Go,
- Select Information,
- Select Queue Information.
- From system log SM21, error "Failed to send a request to the message server" is observed repeatedly in dispatch process.
- From STAD, it is found that the application server is flooded with "<AD_LOAD_INFO>" work requests from "UNKNOWN" user.
- In the Dispatcher developer trace file dev_disp, sequence of the following three trace has been written into the trace more than several 100 times per second:
- DpSendLoadInfo: quota for load / queue fill level = xxxxxxxx / xxxxxxxx
- DpSendLoadInfo: queue XXX now with high load, load / queue fill level = xxxxxxxx / xxxxxxxx
- DpSendLoadInfo: queue XXX no longer with high load
Note: It is okay, if these trace entries are written sporadically into the trace (Example: one per second), but they should not appear several 100 times per second.
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
CST, client server technology, kernel, application server, instance, Load Info, rdisp/high_load_quota, DpSendLoadInfo , KBA , BC-CST-DP , Dispatcher, Task Handler , Problem
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