- Replication Server (RS) is unable to connect to a Direct Connect (DC) gateway for Microsoft SQL Server following the restart of the DC gateway machine.
- Any attempt to resume the RepServer connection to the Direct Connect fails with the messages below:
The DSI thread for database 'RDS.rdb' is started.
ERROR #1028 DSI(405 RDS.rdb) - seful/cm.c(3575)
Message from server: Message: 30002, State 0, Severity 16 -- 'Connection refused. Service [RDS] is not started. <SMR>'.
ERROR #1027 DSI(405 RDS.rdb) - seful/cm.c(3575)
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 67175468, Severity 4 -- 'ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external error: The attempt to connect to the server failed.'.
ERROR #13045 DSI(405 RDS.rdb) - seful/cm.c(3579)
Failed to connect to server 'RDS' as user 'user_maint'. See CT-Lib and/or server error messages for more information.
The DSI thread for database 'RDS.rdb' is shutdown.
SAP Replication Server Option (RSO) for Microsoft SQL Server 15.2
30002,ERROR,#1028,#1027,#13045,67175468,direct connect,dc,replication server,rs , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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