In LVM 2.1 you click on "Standalone PCA" in the Provisioning, System and AS Provisioning tab of LVM.
An error message is thrown:
500 Internal Server error: Failed to process request. Please contact your System Administrator.
Log Id: [ID string]
Trace Id: [ID string]
You open the Logviewer from your NetWeaver Administrator screen and find the entry for this error:
Look for the log file at the location marked in green. Open it in any text editor. Above shown screenshot also gives you an entry (in field Message text) which you will find in the 'userinterface_00.log':
"For details, check entry [log ID] in trace (Internal Server Error 500 trace destination)"
Open the file 'defaultTrace_00.trc' in any text editor of your choice and search for that entry,
in our example [log ID]. The full exception text can be seen:
"2.0�#2016 08 04[log ID][HTTP Worker [@972200321],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]#Plain##
500 Internal Server Error is returned for HTTP request [http://<hostename>:52200/webdynpro/resources/]:
component [dispatcher],
web module [webdynpro/resources/],
application [],
DC name [],
CSN component[BC-VCM-LVM],
problem categorization [],
internal categorization [-764577921].
java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of a null object loaded from local variable 'service'
Verify, the exception text in your case matches the example above.
- SAP NetWeaver AS Java
- LVM 2.1 Enterprise Edition
error 500, Fehler 500, userinterface, exception, stand alone PCA, , KBA , BC-VCM-LVM , Landscape Virtualization Management , Problem
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