When Creating a Visit The Notes From The Current Visit are Copied to The Notes Section Notes From Last Visit.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Accounts Work Center.
- Open an account
- Go to the Visits Tab.
- Choose New and fill out the mandatory information.
- Open this newly created visit, mark it as in process and add some notes to it within the notes field
- Now mark the visit as completed.
You will see the Notes from the Current Visit are Copied to The Notes Section Notes From Last Visit.
The system works as expected. This is the designed behavior of the system.
During visit execution, in the Last Visit Date/Time and Last Visit Notes field we will always expect to see the Notes and Date/Time from the last time the Visit was executed.
The reason for this is such that the user can get a quick synopsis of the details from the last visit, which would be the most relevant notes to be aware of. As soon as the initial visit for the account is completed, then that visit's check-out date/time and notes become by default the date/time and notes from that current visit.
Ps: please note that the notes are independent of the owner/organizer, so if another employee creates a new visit to the same customer, he will be able to see the last visit notes, even if these notes were added by a different employee.
KBA , LOD-CRM-ACT-VST , Visit Planning , How To