When you try to load a report face XYZ, the following error message might comes up:
TREX-ERROR (1987): invalid hexadecimal data detected in query table on column UUID
Business By Design
Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Analytics
- Go to Design Reports
- Search for the report XYZ
- Open the report XYZ
The report throws the aforementioned Trex error: TREX-ERROR (1987)
You should have set the Hierarchy and Result row for one same characteristic (e.g. Sales Unit). This will result in error in the calculation view.
If hierarchy is set the key figures are aggregated at parent level anyway, so you need to remove the result row settings on this field to avoid the error.
- Open the report XYZ;
- Select the view XYZ_View;
- Click on Settings button → Characteristics → for the particular field;
- Switch the Result Row value to Do Not Show;
- Save the Report View in order to preserv the changes.
Note : This you need to check for each characteristic which is added to the same report view.
KBA , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , Product Enhancement