- How to copy groups and their content between two SAP Jam instances (From Production to Test)
- How to migrate content from instance A to instance B;
- Is there a way to migrate/copy SAP Jam group content (wikis, folder structure, documents etc. are copied) from the test instance to the production instance?
SAP Jam Collaboration
There is no feature to copy or sync Jam data from one instance to another, either Groups, content or users.
Can we copy users?
No. User Management in SAP Jam will be taken place in its IdP, which is either in BizX/SF or in SAP IAS.
Though for SAP Jam Collaboration Advanced Plus and Enterprise Edition there is a way to export and import Group Templates, which can be used to accomplish a copy between instances.
Below are the steps to transport a group using group template:
- Export group as template (In Source Instance)
- Login as company admin
- Go to the respective group
- Select group settings -> save as group template
- go to the group templates area in Jam admin
- select the respective group template and select the export action
- Import group as template and create a group (In Target instance)
- Login as company admin to the target instance
- go to the group templates area in Jam admin
- Click on 'Import a template' and select the import file, which was exported from the source instance
- Activate the template by using toggle and create a group from it.
- It preserves the group layout & also copies some of the file formats like wikis & images (But not all formats)
- Admin still need to check what got copied and what not, to complete copying rest of the content manually.
Can we copy comments too?
It is not possible to copy comments through this, however you can refer KBA 2618616 for archiving/exporting the comments.
Note: Authorship, Dates, Comments, Likes etc are not preserved in this method.
Copy Group Content SAP Jam Advanced Plus Enterprise Edition, Group template import export , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM-GRP , Group Issues , How To