A secondary node will shutdown itself automatically if it is excluded from the IQ multiplex.
Error in stderr:
inc_rpcCmdHandler::CallRemoteRPC:Connect() Failed
Error in iqmsg:
I. 08/18 11:21:01. 0000000006 Disposition: SQLSTATE:52012 [ No recovery!! ]
I. 08/18 11:21:01. 0000000006 ***Emergency Shutdown***
I. 08/18 11:21:01. 0000000006 Exception Thrown from db_iqutility.cxx:4038, Err# 46, tid 3 origtid 3
I. 08/18 11:21:01. 0000000006 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 1025 (db_catalogException); SQLCode: -1009413, SQLState: 'QCB11', Severity: 23
I. 08/18 11:21:01. 0000000006 [21051]: Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync.
-- (db_iqutility.cxx 4038)
I. 08/18 11:21:01. 0000000006 sp_mpxprocesstlvlog exception, SQLSTATE=QCB11 [Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync.
-- (db_iqutility.cxx 4038) ]
Error in .srvlog:
I. 08/18 11:20:56. Starting on port 2639
I. 08/18 11:21:01. TCPIP link started successfully
I. 08/18 11:21:01. HTTP listener starting on port 8080
I. 08/18 11:21:01. Now accepting requests
E. 08/18 11:21:01. Login procedure 'sp_startup_procedure' caused SQLSTATE '42501'
E. 08/18 11:21:01. Permission denied: you do not have permission to execute the procedure "sp_startup_procedure"
E. 08/18 11:21:01. Login procedure 'sp_startup_procedure' caused SQLSTATE '42501'
E. 08/18 11:21:01. Permission denied: you do not have permission to execute the procedure "sp_startup_procedure"
E. 08/18 11:21:01. Login procedure 'sp_startup_procedure' caused SQLSTATE '42501'
E. 08/18 11:21:01. Permission denied: you do not have permission to execute the procedure "sp_startup_procedure"
E. 08/18 11:21:01. Login procedure 'sp_startup_procedure' caused SQLSTATE '42501'
E. 08/18 11:21:01. Permission denied: you do not have permission to execute the procedure "sp_startup_procedure"
I. 08/18 11:21:01. Database server shutdown due to HUP signal
I. 08/18 11:21:02. HTTP listener on IP address (::):8080 is exiting
I. 08/18 11:21:02. Starting checkpoint of "cmslpg" (cmslpg.db) at Thu Aug 18 2016 11:21
I. 08/18 11:21:02. TCPIP listener on IP address (::):2639 is exiting
I. 08/18 11:21:02. TCPIP listener on IP address is exiting
I. 08/18 11:21:02. Finished checkpoint of "cmslpg" (cmslpg.db) at Thu Aug 18 2016 11:21
I. 08/18 11:21:02. Database server stopped at Thu Aug 18 2016 11:21
Output of sp_iqmpxinfo:
server_id |
server_name |
connection_info |
db_path |
role |
status |
mpx_mode |
inc_state |
coordinator_failover |
current_version |
active_versions |
private_connection_info |
mipc_priv_state |
mipc_public_state |
1 |
iq95 |
host=,(fe80::217:a4ff:fe77:28%2):2639, (fe80::217:a4ff:fe77:2a%3):2639 |
/opt/sybase/cmslpg/cmslpg.db |
coordinator |
included |
coordinator |
N/A |
iq170 |
0 |
active |
active |
2 |
iq170 |
host=MHEN03BL02:2639 |
/opt/sybase/cmslpg/cmslpg.db |
reader |
included |
reader |
active |
iq170 |
0 |
not responding |
active |
3 |
iq83 |
host=iqpsym03:2639 |
/opt/sybase/cmslpg/cmslpg.db |
reader |
excluded |
unknown |
timed out |
iq170 |
0 |
not responding |
not responding |
Sybase IQ 15.4
SAP IQ 16.0
SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4
KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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