- You are performing an upgrade using the Software Update Manger (SUM)
- An error occurs during phase MAIN_UPTRANS/ASCS_SPLIT
- The error message in the log file ASCS_SPLIT.LOG
4EETQ399 An error occurred during the installation of the
4EETQ399 SAP service SAP<SID>_:4EETQ399 Possibly the password for user <Domain>\SAPService<SID> entered in phase
4EETQ399 INITPUT was wrong. You can reset it using the following dialog:
4EETQ399 On the SUM UI, click "More" -> "Utilities" -> "SUM Parameters" -> "Standard Parameters"
4EETQ399 Click "Next" until the field for user <Domain>\SAPServiceM<SID> appears.
4EETQ399 Change the password and repeat the current phase.
4EETQ399 In case the service cannot be started automatically,
4EETQ399 try to execute SAPSTARTSRV.EXE manually using the following syntax:
4EETQ399 K:\usr\sap\<SID>\ASCS\exe\sapstartsrv.exe -r
4EETQ399 -p \\<hostname>\sapmnt\<SID>\SYS\profile\<SID>_ASCS_<hostname> -s <SID> -n
4EETQ399 -U <Domain>\SAPService<SID> -P <PASSWORD> -e <Domain>\<sid>adm
4EETQ399 and check if the service SAP<SID>_ can be stopped and restarted.
1EETQ399 Failed!
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Action 'install' for DCOM service failed, see phase log for details: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "ASCS_SPLIT" aborted with severe errors ("20160805111718")
Note: SAP<SID>_ should have a numerical value after the underscore, the instance number of the shadow, example SAP<SID>_3 - The command generated to create the operating system service is missing the Instance number, you can see evidence in the log SAPup.ECO
EXECUTING K:\usr\sap\<SiD>\ASCS\exe\sapstartsrv.exe -r -q -p \\<hostename>\sapmnt\<SID>\SYS\profile\<SID>_ASCS_<hostname> -s <SID> -n "" -U <Domain>\SAPService<SID> -P <HIDDEN> -e <Domain\<sid>adm
SAPup> Process with PID 2936 terminated with status -1 at 20160805111718!
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enque, Central Services , KBA , BC-UPG-PRP , Upgrade Preparation , Problem
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