- This KBA article outlines to turn on ability for end user's user search to users within parent and sub-organizations.
- Users are able to search and select any peer from the company for approval.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
Set the "orgLevelsAboveUser" setting to true/false.
In the Learning admin side, click:
- Navigate to System Admin > Configuration > System Configuration > SEARCH
- Edit 'Search' >
- Find the property: 'orgLevelsAboveUser'.
# This configuration is used to specify the number of organization levels above the user's organization the user can search when restrictUserPeerSearchbyOrg is enabled.
# Min Value: 0 /Max Value: 30 Default value: 0
# 0: search results returns only users associated to the user's organization or its sub-organizations
# > 0:search results returns users associated to user's parent organization <x levels above user's org> and its sub-organizations
Apply Changes once 'orgLevelsAboveUser' has been modified as per your requirement.
See Also
parent, parent organization, suborganization, orgLevelsAboveUser, restrictUserPeerSearchByOrg , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem