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2357967 - How to change index on the specified column in a custom property table


From the OOTB hybris Platform, it is possible to specify one deployment for multiple custom Property tables, in core-advanced-deployment.xml, like below:

<package name="">
 <object name="Property">
   <table name="Props"/>
   <table name="TypeSystemProps"/>
   <table name="ProductProps"/>
   <table name="UserProps"/>
   <table name="UserGroupProps"/>
   <table name="AddressProps"/>
   <table name="OrderProps"/>
   <table name="OrderEntryProps"/>
   <table name="MediaProps"/>
   <index name="ITEMPK">
    <index-key attribute="itemPK"/>
   <index name="NAMEIDX">
    <index-key attribute="name"/>
   <index name="REALNAMEIDX">
    <index-key attribute="realName"/>
        <attribute name="itemPK" type="HYBRIS.PK" primkey-field="true">
            <attribute-mapping persistence-name="ITEMPK" null-allowed="false"/>
        <attribute name="itemTypePK" type="HYBRIS.PK" >
            <attribute-mapping persistence-name="ITEMTYPEPK" null-allowed="false"/>
        <attribute name="name" type="java.lang.String" primkey-field="true">
            <attribute-mapping persistence-name="NAME" null-allowed="false"/>
        <attribute name="langPK" type="HYBRIS.PK" primkey-field="true">
            <attribute-mapping  persistence-name="LANGPK" null-allowed="false"/>
        <attribute name="realName" type="java.lang.String">
            <attribute-mapping persistence-name="REALNAME"/>
        <attribute name="type1" type="int">
            <attribute-mapping persistence-name="TYPE1"/>
        <attribute name="valueString1" type="HYBRIS.LONG_STRING">
            <attribute-mapping persistence-name="VALUESTRING1"/>
        <attribute name="value1" type="">
            <attribute-mapping persistence-name="VALUE1"/>
            <attribute-mapping database="oracle" persistence-name="VALUE1" persistence-type="BLOB"/>

And it is also allowed to specify index information in the definition of the property tables.

However, if customer wants to have different configuration, like different Index, in particular property table, the default definition of property tables is not able to do so. 



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