You use the New Barcode Technology to print a QR Code 2005 barcode via a SAPscript or a Smart Form, as described in SAP Note #2030263.
The barcode is created correctly without error message in the SAP system, but if you scan the barcode, the text is incorrect. Special separators like LF(linefeed), CR(carriage return) or TAB(character tabulation) are scanned as "#".
For example, if you print the barcode text 001<CR><LF>20<TAB>30<CR><LF>40<TAB>50 you get the following barcode:
If you scan the barcode, you get 001##20#30##40#50.
- SAP NetWeaver all releases (where the New Barcode Technology + QR Code 2005 has been fully implemented)
- SAP ERP 6.0 all releases (where the New Barcode Technology + QR Code 2005 has been fully implemented)
- SAP S/4HANA on-premise all releases (where the New Barcode Technology + QR Code 2005 has been fully implemented)
- SAP ABAP Platform all releases (where the New Barcode Technology + QR Code 2005 has been fully implemented)
Zeilenumbruch, Tabulator, PAYMENT_MEDIUM_EU_QRCODE, Giro Code , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , BC-SRV-SCR , SAPscript , BC-SRV-SSF , Smart Forms , Problem
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